About Us

We are Leader in
Indian Automation Industry Since 1994

Number of Customers



Machines Supplied



Countries Served



At Cimtrix, we truly believe in this soulful mantra,

"लोकः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु"
"Lokah Samastah: Sukhino Bhavanthu"

therefore we adopted it as our Vision. To us, it means "May all beings be happy", and may our thoughts, words, and actions contribute to that happiness. The commitment to our customers and associates cannot be described better than this.

Since 1994 we have been winning hearts of our customers while delivering satisfaction every time they trusted us. From offering retrofit and technology upgrade services in the 90’s we have grown to become the largest supplier of armature winders in India and a significant solution provider in co-ordinate metrology. The support of our priceless customers and the efforts of our dedicated team, the Cimtrix brand today symbolizes trust, commitment and reliability.

The experience we have gained over the last two decades by serving both the Inland and the overseas customer, the Corporate and the MSME, the Public and private sectors, has been very benefitting equally to the customers and us alike, as it brings in the best of both worlds.

We shall be delighted to serve you.